Title: "Unfurling Joy"
Material: Stainless Steel on Carved White Marble
Dimensions: 19" High X 12" Wide
Signed and Dated:Under leaf
Completed: December, 2005
Notes: With arms and one leg radiating out in a spiral, this stainless steel figure emerges from a cluster of leaves planted in the carved white marble base. Expressing the joy of an embraced life, the sculpture speaks to the wonder of being alive and the celebration that can be gleaned from so being.
Title: "First Summer"
Material: Stainless Steel On White Marble
Dimensions: Overall: 18" High x 12" Wide
Signed and Dated: Initials on back of hair
Completed: June 2004
Status: SOLD
Notes: The figure stands on a carved white marble base. Her arms are entwined with her tree branch-like hair as they rise in joyous celebration. She sways in the delight of the warm summer and the awareness of herself as a woman.